DC 6-40V kontroler punjenja i pražnjenja baterija je multifunkcionalni uređaj dizajniran za inteligentno upravljanje baterijama sa zaštitom od prenapona i podnapona. Ovaj uređaj omogućava preciznu kontrolu punjenja i pražnjenja sa naprednim funkcijama poput vremenskog upravljanja, serijske komunikacije za daljinsko praćenje, kao i zaštite od obrnutog polariteta. Pogodan je za širok spektar primena, uključujući solarne sisteme, električna vozila, UPS sisteme i druge primene koje zahtevaju automatsko upravljanje baterijama.
Glavne funkcionalnosti DC 6-40V kontroler punjenja i pražnjenja baterija
- Automatska kontrola punjenja i pražnjenja:
- Uređaj omogućava postavljanje gornje i donje granice napona, čime se automatski uključuje ili isključuje relej u zavisnosti od podešenih vrednosti.
- Osigurava optimalno korišćenje baterije i sprečava oštećenja usled prekomernog punjenja ili pražnjenja.
- Vremensko upravljanje:
- Mogućnost podešavanja vremena rada u opsegu od 0 do 999 minuta, što omogućava precizno upravljanje ciklusima punjenja i pražnjenja.
- Uređaj može automatski isključiti bateriju nakon određenog vremena kako bi se sprečilo prekomerno pražnjenje.
- Serijska komunikacija (TTL):
- Kroz serijski port omogućava praćenje i podešavanje parametara u realnom vremenu.
- Podaci se ažuriraju svake sekunde, što omogućava korisnicima da analiziraju performanse i optimizuju rad sistema.
- Zaštitne funkcije:
- Zaštita od prenapona i podnapona osigurava siguran rad baterija.
- Obrnuta polaritet zaštita sprečava oštećenja u slučaju nepravilnog povezivanja.
- STOP dugme omogućava brzo isključivanje u hitnim situacijama.
- Višestruki režimi rada:
- U-1: Automatsko punjenje – relej se aktivira kada napon padne ispod donje granice i isključuje kada dostigne gornju granicu.
- U-2: Punjenje sa vremenskom kontrolom – relej se uključuje do isteka podešenog vremena.
- U-3: Automatsko pražnjenje – relej isključuje bateriju kada padne ispod donje granice.
- U-4: Pražnjenje sa vremenskom kontrolom – relej se uključuje i isključuje prema podešenom vremenu.
- U-5: Aktivacija u zadatom opsegu napona.
- U-6: Aktivacija van zadatog opsega napona.
Specifikacija proizvoda
- Ulazni napon: DC 6-40V
- Opseg merenja napona: 0-60V (greška ±0.1V)
- Podešavanje vremena rada: 0-999 minuta
- Komunikacija: TTL serijski port (baud rate: 115200 bps)
- Radna temperatura: -20°C do 60°C
- Zaštita: Prenapon, podnapon, obrnuti polaritet
- Signalni izlaz: Dodatni signalni izlaz za kontrolu dodatnih uređaja
- Dimenzije: Kompaktne za laku instalaciju
Kako podesiti parametre?
- Izbor režima rada:
- Nakon uključenja, pritisnuti SET dugme na 2 sekunde za ulazak u meni.
- Korišćenjem UP i DOWN dugmadi odabrati željeni režim (U-1 do U-6).
- Podešavanje parametara:
- Nakon izbora režima, pritisnuti SET za ulazak u podešavanje vrednosti (gornja granica UL1, donja granica nL1, vreme OP).
- Podesiti vrednosti pomoću UP i DOWN tastera.
- Pritisnuti SET dugme na 2 sekunde da biste sačuvali podešavanja.
- Praćenje podataka u realnom vremenu:
- Na glavnom ekranu, pritiskom na DOWN dugme možete prebacivati prikaz između napona i tajmera.
- Serijska komanda „GET” omogućava daljinsko očitavanje trenutnih podešavanja.
How do I set parameters?
1. First, according to their needs, to determine the requirements of the work model;
2. According to the working mode of the relay, in the main interface (when the module is powered on, it will flash the current mode of operation, the default U-1 mode, and then enter the main interface) press the SET button for 2 seconds and then release, enter the selection Mode interface, UP, DOWN button to select the mode to be set (U-1 ~ U-6);
3. After selecting the mode, assume that we have selected the U-1 mode and press the SET button to set the corresponding parameter. The parameter to be set will flash (UL1 voltage upper limit, nL1 voltage lower limit, OP conduction time), press UP, DOWN Key to increase or decrease, you can always press the key to quickly increase or decrease, press the SET button to set the current mode of the next parameter, the process above;
4. Set the parameters, and then press the SET button for 2 seconds to release, the current setting mode will flash, and then return to the main interface, set the parameters of success!
5. In the main interface, press the DOWN key to achieve voltage and time switching.
Mode selection interface: press the SET button for a long time to enter the mode selection interface, set the finished, a long time press the SET button and then release the exit mode selection interface, back to the main interface.
Operating mode:
Voltage upper limit: UL1, voltage lower limit nL1, the voltage upper limit is greater than the voltage lower limit (UL1> nL1)
U-1: Charging measurement: When the measured voltage is lower than the lower limit voltage, the relay pulls above; the upper limit voltage, the relay is disconnected.
U-2: charge measurement time control: set the charging time (OP); when the measured voltage is lower than the lower limit voltage, the relay pull, and then start the countdown OP time, the end of the timer, the relay off; when the measured voltage is higher than the upper limit voltage , The relay is disconnected.
U-3: Discharge detection: When the measured voltage is lower than the lower limit voltage, the relay is off, above the upper limit voltage, the relay pulls;
U-4: discharge detection time control: set the discharge time (OP); when the measured voltage is higher than the upper limit voltage, the relay pull, and then start the countdown OP time, the end of the timer, the relay off; when the measured voltage below the lower limit voltage , The relay is disconnected;
U-5: voltage in the range, the relay pull: when the measured voltage between the upper and lower limits, the relay pull, the other circumstances open;
U-6: voltage outside the interval, the relay pull: the measured voltage below the lower limit voltage or higher than the upper limit voltage, the relay pull, the other case the relay is off.
Additional features:
1. Data upload: through the serial port to achieve data upload, interval 1s upload a voltage and run time, easy to post-data analysis;
2. Serial port settings parameters: You can set the mode and parameters through the serial port, more convenient;
3. An extra signal output, when the relay to meet the conditions, the output high, the other output low.
Serial port control (TTL level communication)
Communication standard:
The baud rate is 115200 bps
Data bits: 8
Stop bit: 1
Check digit: none
Flow control: none
Serial command:
„U-1“: Operating mode (range U-1 to U-6)
„000“: 0 – does not enable timing function, non-0 – enable timing function (range 001 to 999)
„Dw02.9“: Set the lower limit voltage
„Up10.1“: set the upper limit voltage (range 00.0V ~ 99.9V)
„Get“: Get the current settings
„On“: Allows the relay to turn on
„Off“: Always turn off the relay
„Start“: start uploading data
„Stop“: stop uploading data
The above command can be any combination of two, need to be separated by commas
Such as: „dw02.9, up10.1“ set the lower limit voltage 02.9V upper limit voltage 10.1V
Upload Status: Test Voltage + On Time + Status
„00.0V, 00: 00: 00, OP \ r \ n“
00.0V: Measured voltage
00:00:00: Relay on time
Status: OP relay on, CL relay off
STOP key function expansion:
Relay enable mode:
1. ON: OP conduction time, the relay allows conduction;
2. OFF: The relay is disabled and is always off;
Press the STOP button on the main interface to switch between ON and OFF, the current status will flash, and then return to the main interface. (This function is an emergency stop function, a key to disconnect the relay)
Sleep mode:
1. C-P sleep mode: within five minutes, without any operation, the digital tube automatically shut down the display, the program normal operation;
2. O-d normal mode: digital tube is always open display;
Press and hold the STOP button for 2 seconds to release, to achieve C-P and O-d state of the switch, the current state will flash, and then return to the main interface.
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